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Dayanand Sharma
Dayanand Sharma

I am an electronic engineer with 20+ years of experience in IT industry indifferent profiles. My primary hobby is electronics design and implementation of small projects, embedded electronics, learning about new technologies in market, exploring about space, writing blog along with a secondary hobby of drawing and painting.

I have published two design articles in electronics magazine know as "Electronics for You" which is sold in multiple countries originating from India. One published in 2009 and another in 2019. There is another blog being hosted for beginners in electronics where more details about this published articles can be found, which can be downloaded for free.

This site has been hosted with a intent of bringing the most of the technology related articles including Information Technology, Electronics and Internet of Things. All these three fields are linked with each other hence we put best of our efforts to bring as much articles as possible on these topics for readers. Internet of Things being the latest and most hot and fascinating topic in today's technological world, hence we will try to focus more on this. 

Your feedback and comments are most welcome which will help us to improve our content which can be of more help for readers.


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